path: root/Arduino/garbage_sorting_machine_good
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Arduino/garbage_sorting_machine_good')
1 files changed, 187 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Arduino/garbage_sorting_machine_good/garbage_sorting_machine_good.ino b/Arduino/garbage_sorting_machine_good/garbage_sorting_machine_good.ino
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..302e74d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Arduino/garbage_sorting_machine_good/garbage_sorting_machine_good.ino
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+// SERVO 44, 45
+// METAL 27
+#include <Servo.h>
+bool isNotIdle = false;
+// Input
+int distance = 25;
+int metalSensor = 27;
+int moisture = A10;
+// Output
+Servo servo1, servo2;
+int conveyor = 7;
+// Program
+enum Material {
+ dry = 0, wet = 1, metal = 2, none = 3, unknown = 4,
+Material material = none;
+Material prevMat;
+int wetThreshold = 915;
+int tickDuration = 100; // Every clock ticks in ms
+int conveyorTimer;
+int servoTimer;
+int wetThresholdCounter;
+// Duration for timer to reset. 1 : 100 ms (1 : 0,1 s)
+int conveyorDuration = 150;
+int servoDuration = 70;
+int wetDuration = 5;
+// Counting
+int total;
+int metalPassed;
+int wetPassed;
+int dryPassed;
+// Servo positions
+int servo1Init = 45;
+int servo1On = 5;
+int servo2Init = 60;
+int servo2On = 10;
+// Turning off conveyor after servoTime == -1
+bool justTurnedOff = true;
+void setup() {
+ pinMode(metalSensor, INPUT_PULLUP); digitalWrite(metal, HIGH);
+ pinMode(moisture, INPUT);
+ pinMode(distance, INPUT);
+ pinMode(conveyor, OUTPUT);
+ servo1.attach(44); servo2.attach(45);
+ servo1.write(servo1Init); servo2.write(servo2Init);
+ Serial.begin(9600);
+void loop() {
+ int distanceState = !digitalRead(distance);
+ int metalState = !digitalRead(metalSensor);
+ int moistureState = analogRead(moisture);
+ // Checking Logic
+ if (distanceState) {
+ conveyorTimer = conveyorDuration;
+ }
+ if (metalState) {
+ servoTimer = servoDuration;
+ material = metal;
+ }
+ if (moistureState <= wetThreshold && material != wet) {
+ wetThresholdCounter++;
+ if (wetThresholdCounter >= wetDuration) {
+ servoTimer = servoDuration;
+ material = wet;
+ }
+ //servoTimer = servoDuration;
+ //material = wet;
+ }
+ // Timer & Logics
+ if (conveyorTimer >= 0) {
+ conveyorTimer--;
+ if (conveyorTimer == conveyorDuration - 1) {
+ justTurnedOff = false;
+ }
+ if (conveyorTimer == 0) {
+ if (material == none || material == unknown || prevMat == none) {
+ material = dry;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ material = none;
+ }
+ if (servoTimer >= 0) {
+ servoTimer--;
+ if (material == metal) {
+ servo1.write(servo1On);
+ } else if (material == wet) {
+ servo2.write(servo2On);
+ }
+ } else {
+ servo1.write(servo1Init);
+ servo2.write(servo2Init);
+ if (!justTurnedOff && material != none) {
+ conveyorTimer = -1;
+ wetThresholdCounter = 0;
+ justTurnedOff = true;
+ }
+ }
+ digitalWrite(conveyor, conveyorTimer >= 0);
+ // Counting
+ if (prevMat != material) {
+ if (material == metal) {
+ metalPassed++;
+ } else if (material == wet) {
+ wetPassed++;
+ } else if (material == dry) {
+ dryPassed++;
+ }
+ total = metalPassed + wetPassed + dryPassed;
+ prevMat = material;
+ }
+ // On or off?
+ if (conveyorTimer >= 0) {
+ isNotIdle = true;
+ } else {
+ isNotIdle = false;
+ }
+ // Debugging
+ Serial.print("{\"running\":");
+ Serial.print(isNotIdle);
+ Serial.print(",\"material\":");
+ Serial.print(material);
+ Serial.print(",\"countTotal\":");
+ Serial.print(total);
+ Serial.print(",\"countMetal\":");
+ Serial.print(metalPassed);
+ Serial.print(",\"countWet\":");
+ Serial.print(wetPassed);
+ Serial.print(",\"countDry\":");
+ Serial.print(dryPassed);
+ Serial.print(",\"conveyorTimer\":");
+ Serial.print(conveyorTimer);
+ Serial.print(",\"servoTimer\":");
+ Serial.print(servoTimer);
+ Serial.print(",\"wetTimer\":");
+ Serial.print(wetThresholdCounter);
+ Serial.print(",\"distance\":");
+ Serial.print(distanceState);
+ Serial.print(",\"moisture\":");
+ Serial.print(moistureState);
+ Serial.print(",\"metal\":");
+ Serial.print(metalState);
+ Serial.println("}");/*
+ Serial.print("Distance ");
+ Serial.print(distanceState);
+ Serial.print(" Metal ");
+ Serial.print(digitalRead(27));
+ Serial.print(" Moist ");
+ Serial.print(moistureState);
+ Serial.print(" | Conveyor Timer ");
+ Serial.print(conveyorTimer);
+ Serial.print(" Servo Timer ");
+ Serial.print(servoTimer);
+ Serial.print(" Wet Timer ");
+ Serial.println(wetThresholdTimer);*/
+ delay(tickDuration);